Online Casino Guides

Spanish Blackjack Guide

Spanish Blackjack Guide

Spanish Blackjack, also known as Spanish 21, is a variation of Blackjack that features fun bonuses and altered rules to make the game more exciting. Whether you’re an online Blackjack aficionado or you’re brand new to the game, you can easily play Spanish Blackjack since the game is so easy to learn. With some practice, you can master strategies that can help you win the most money, too. In this Spanish Blackjack Guide, you will learn the rules and how to play the game. Then, we’ll go over the top strategies that you can use to maximize your winnings and discuss tips and tricks that you can start using today to win the most money playing the game. Finally, you’ll learn some answers to frequently asked Spanish Blackjack questions and check out what others are saying about this online casino game.

Spanish Blackjack Guide: Learning the Ropes of Blackjack

The basics of Spanish Blackjack are identical to the traditional game: get as close as you can to 21 without going over. While there can be multiple players in one blackjack game, you only play against the dealer. If you don’t hit 21, the goal is to beat the dealer by getting a higher number than them.

At the beginning of each Spanish Blackjack game, the dealer hands out two cards to each player, both face-up. Then, they deal themselves two cards, one face-up and one face-down. Each player then decides whether they wish to “hit” or “stand.” When you decide to hit, it indicates that you want the dealer to give you another card. On the other hand, to stand means that you refuse to receive another card from the dealer. In some scenarios, you may choose to split or double down on your hand.

If you are dealt two cards of the same value, you can split the hand. This entails treating each card as its hand. To do this, you separate the two cards and place a second bet on the table. Then, you choose to hit or stand on each card until you are happy with the number you receive. When you have a favorable hand in the first two cards you receive, you can choose to double down. When you choose to go this route, you place a bet equal to your initial bet on the table in exchange for one card from the dealer. Only one additional card can be dealt when doubling down, so make sure you’re confident an extra card will make your hand a strong contender for beating the dealer or hitting 21.

Remember: hitting too much can cause you to go over 21, which is called a bust. Busting immediately forfeits your bet and takes you out of the game until the next round. Alternatively, if you are too conservative and decide to stand too early, you risk losing your bet to the dealer’s larger hand, so choosing wisely is important. At the end of each round, winning hands are paid, and losing hands forfeit their bet. Then, a new round starts.

Spanish Blackjack: The Rules

The thing that makes Spanish  Blackjack so unique is the special rules that the game has. While some rules are the same as traditional blackjack, some regulations are not a part of the original game.

  • Spanish Blackjack is played with six to eight 48-card decks; decks are 48 instead of 52 because all tens are removed from the deck before shuffling.
  • If your hand is 21 and ties with the dealer, it still constitutes a win.
  • The dealer must hit on a soft 17.
  • The dealer will peek for blackjack at the top of every round.
  • You can double down on any two initial cards that you receive. They need not match in suit or value.
  • When you split a pair, you can hit or double down on any cards that you receive (even Aces).
  • You can re-split Aces.

Learn more about the game rules by reading our online casino guides section.

The Payouts

Spanish blackjack is fun and exciting to play, but it wouldn’t be a casino game without the possibility of winning money. According to multiple online casino reviews, this version of blackjack operates on the Super Bonus Rule, a payout model that rewards players with the opportunity to win more money versus standard casino games.

Spanish blackjack not only has unique rules, but it also features special payout rules:

  • Five-card hand 21: pays 3:
  • Six card hand 21: pays :1
  • Seven-card hand 21: pays 3:
  • 21-value hands consisting of 6, 7, 8, or 7, 7, 7 with different suits: pay 3:
  • 21-value hands consisting of 6, 7, 8, or 7, 7, 7 with identical suits: pays :1
  • 21-value hands consisting of 6, 7, 8, or 7, 7, 7, and all spades: pays 3:1
  • Player’s hand 7, 7, 7 of the same suit and dealer’s face-up card is also 7: pays 50:1

Spanish Blackjack Guide: Top Seven Strategies

If you want to be successful in playing Spanish blackjack, you must follow these Spanish Blackjack tips and know the right strategies to use for each situation you will find yourself in during gameplay. Luckily, Spanish Blackjack strategies are easy to learn, and once you get them down, you can take home large amounts of winnings as a result. There are hundreds of strategies that you can use to play Spanish blackjack, but some are more successful than others. Learning and mastering the most effective Spanish blackjack strategies is the best way to capitalize on your bankroll.

Before we can dive into strategy, there are two types of hands you need to know about:

A soft hand is any blackjack hand that contains an Ace. These hands are called soft because an Ace counts as either 1 or 11, depending on the other cards in the hand. Soft hands offer you more flexibility since you have a lower chance of going over 21 with an Ace in your hand. A hard hand is any blackjack hand that does not contain an Ace. Since the cards are each taken at face value, you are more likely to bust, which makes it harder to achieve a desirable hand.

Now that you know the basics, here are the top eight best Spanish blackjack strategies that you need in your back pocket:

#1: When to Hit (Hard Hands)

Understanding when to ask for more cards from the dealer is essential to any winning Spanish Blackjack strategy. When you have a hard hand, you must be more conservative in your strategy to ensure that you stand a chance against the dealer’s cards. When you have a hard hand, choose to hit in the following scenarios:

  • You have a hard 9 versus any dealer face-up card.
  • Your total is less than 8.
  • Your total is 12.
  • You have a hard 11 versus the dealer’s upcard is 9 or more.
  • You have a hard 14, 15, or 16, and the dealer has 7 or higher.
  • You have a hard 17 versus the dealer’s 8, 9, or 10.

#2: When to Hit (Soft Hands)

When you have an Ace in your hand, you have much more flexibility in the moves you can make to win a hand of Spanish Blackjack. Because of this, you are likely to find yourself choosing to hit more than you would with a hard hand. When you hold a soft hand, hit in these situations:

  • You have a soft 13, 14, or 15.
  • Your total is 18 or more.
  • You have a soft 16, and your hand consists of four or more cards.

#3: When to Stand (Hard Hands)

Knowing when to leave your hand alone is vital to the Spanish Blackjack strategy. It’s important to keep in mind that there are several scenarios in which it’s smart to remain conservative and pass your turn by asking to stand. You should opt to stand in these scenarios:

  • The dealer’s face-up card is five or six.
  • You have a hard 17 versus the dealer’s 8, 9, or 10.

#4: When to Stand (Soft Hands)

Since soft hands are so flexible, there aren’t many scenarios where you should stand on your first two cards. This is because most of the time, hitting ensures that you have the strongest hand possible to beat the dealer. However, there is one scenario in which you should stand with a soft hand:

  • You have a soft 17 versus the dealer’s or 3, or 7 and higher.

#5: When to Split

Splitting pairs can help you get an edge against the dealer’s hand, but that doesn’t mean that you should split every pair you get. The best Spanish 21 strategies for splitting include making informed decisions on which pairs have the highest chance of winning against the dealer. You should split your hand in these situations:

  • Your hand contains two Aces.
  • When your hand contains two 2s, and the dealer’s face-up card is 3-7.
  • Your hand contains two 6s, and the dealer’s face-up card is 4-6.
  • Your hand contains two 7s, and the dealer’s face-up card is -7.

#6: When to Double Down (Hard Hands)

Mastering the Spanish 21 double-down strategy is a great way to boost your bankroll. Since doubling down greatly increases the amount of money you can win on any given hand, consistently choosing correctly when it comes to when to double down is a great asset. When you have a hard hand, you should always double down when:

  • You have a hard nine versus the dealer’s 6.
  • The dealer’s face-up card is -7.
  • You have a hard 11 versus the dealer’s -8.

#7: When to Double Down (Soft Hands)

Soft hands are usually a formidable weapon against the dealer’s hands. Consequently, it is often a less risky choice when you opt to double down on a soft hand versus a hard one. If you have a soft hand, you should double down when:

  • You have a soft 16 versus the dealer’s 6.
  • You have a two-card soft 17 versus the dealer’s 4.
  • You have a three-card soft 17 versus the dealer’s 5.
  • You have a four-or-more card soft 18 versus the dealer’s 4-6.

How to Win the Most Money

Understanding how to play Spanish Blackjack, what the rules are, and which strategies are best for your card situations is a great way to make sure you win as much as possible. However, there are a few more things you should keep in mind if you want to maximize the amount of money you walk away from the table.

The first and most important thing you should know is that when it comes to Spanish Blackjack, it’s vital to take it slow and remain patient. Even if you are on a winning streak, the cards could turn in an instant, and your luck could change. Moving too fast without using critical thinking when making a decision could hurt you in the long run. Take ample time to consider each decision you make and remember: you’re not on a time clock, so resist the urge to rush.

Unless you have a large bankroll, placing expensive bets is the quickest way to lose all your money and walk away with nothing. While it might be tempting to put half your money on the table in hopes of making a big win instantly, it’s not a good idea strategy-wise. Since Spanish blackjack is equal parts luck and skill, there is no way to guarantee that a quick win will be possible. Staying on the conservative side of betting is usually the best way to protect your bankroll in the long run.

Becoming a master Spanish 21 player is all about practice and determination. With time, you will come up with strategies that work best for you, and your gameplay will evolve as you get more skilled at the game. If you don’t succeed at winning when you first try, don’t give up.

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Spanish Blackjack Guide FAQs

What is Spanish blackjack?

Also known as Spanish 21, Spanish blackjack is a spin on traditional blackjack that features unique rules, payout tables, and strategies.

Is Spanish blackjack good for beginners?

Since blackjack is one of the easiest casino card games to learn, any variation of it is great for beginners.

Is a hard hand or a soft hand better in Spanish blackjack?

In most scenarios, soft hands, or hands that contain at least one Ace, are considered better than hard hands. This is because since the Ace can count as 1 or 11, players have more flexibility and less of a chance of busting, which would count as an automatic loss.

Which cards are missing in a Spanish blackjack deck?

There are no tens in Spanish blackjack decks.

Is Spanish blackjack in favor of the dealer?

Casinos have an edge on all casino games, and Spanish blackjack is no exception. While there is a percentage of house edge in the game, winning involves skill and luck, so the odds are not completely in the casino’s favor.