Online Casino Guides

When to Hit in Blackjack: Winning Strategies

When to Hit in Blackjack: Winning Strategies

In the luxurious realm of online casino sites, where ambiance and style converge, discerning gentlemen are always on the hunt for their next sophisticated gaming experience. For those who revel in strategy and intrigue, Blackjack emerges as the game of choice, exuding both grace and challenge. But as any seasoned player will attest, knowing when to hit in Blackjack can be the difference between a triumphant win and a regrettable loss. This guide, crafted exclusively for men who appreciate the finer aspects of online casino gaming, delves into the rich tapestry of Blackjack’s basics, ensuring one’s prowess is always a cut above the rest.

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When to Hit in Blackjack: Basics of a Card Game

Blackjack, often referred to as 21, is a game as timeless as it is captivating. At its core, the objective is simple – achieve a hand total closest to 21 without going over, while simultaneously beating the dealer’s hand. Here’s a quick run-down:

Card Values
Each card in the deck holds a specific value. Numbered cards (2-10) carry their face value, face cards (Kings, Queens, Jacks) are valued at 10, and Aces can be either 1 or 11, depending on which value benefits the hand more.

The Deal
Players are dealt two cards, typically both face up. The dealer, on the other hand, is dealt one card face up (known as the upcard) and one face down (the hole card).

While there are various actions a player can take, for now, we’ll focus on the basics:

  • Hit: Requesting another card to add to your total.
  • Stand: Refusing additional cards, indicating satisfaction with the current total.

Hitting in Blackjack

Arguably the most crucial decision a player can make when playing Blackjack in an online casino, hitting requires a delicate balance of intuition, strategy, and a dash of audacity. While the thrill of the game lies in its unpredictable nature, knowing when to hit in Blackjack is an art form that can be honed:

The Need to Hit
If your initial two-card total is low, particularly if it’s under 8, you’d naturally want to hit. But, as the total edges closer to 21, the decision becomes murkier and relies heavily on the dealer’s upcard.

Risks & Rewards
Every hit is a gamble. While there’s the potential to inch closer to that coveted 21, there’s also the looming threat of busting (exceeding 21), which results in an automatic loss. Thus, understanding when to hit is an ever-evolving strategy based on the game’s dynamic.

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When to Hit in Blackjack: Factors Influencing the Decision

In the intricate dance of Blackjack, knowing when to hit is pivotal to your success at the table. Several elements come into play, weaving together to inform this crucial choice:

Your Card Total
Predominantly, the sum of your cards stands as the most glaring influencer. With a hand total of 11 or less, there’s zero risk of busting, making the decision to hit in Blackjack rather straightforward. However, as you approach the critical 21, the dilemmas intensify.

Dealer’s Upcard
Blackjack isn’t played in isolation; the dealer’s upcard can serve as a compass. If it’s between 2 and 6, there’s a higher chance they might bust, which can motivate some to stand on a total close to 21. On the other hand, if the dealer showcases a card 7 or higher, the inclination to hit in Blackjack may grow, hoping for a competitive total.

Composition of Your Hand
A ‘soft’ hand, which includes an Ace, introduces more layers of strategy. Its ability to count as 1 or 11 provides players with flexibility, nudging them to be more adventurous with their decision to hit in Blackjack.

Table Rules and Conditions
Some tables might have rules regarding splitting or doubling down that can influence the decision-making process when contemplating when to hit in Blackjack.

Basic Strategy: When to Hit

While Blackjack is a game of nuance, certain foundational strategies can guide a player in determining when to hit:

Hard Totals (no ace or an ace counts as 1):

  • Always hit on totals of 8 or below.
  • For a total of 9, hit unless the dealer’s upcard is between 3 and 6, where you might consider doubling down.
  • With totals between 12 and 16, players should hit when the dealer’s upcard is a 7 or higher, aiming to outdo the dealer’s potential hand.

Soft Totals (with an ace counted as 11):

  • On soft 13 to 17, the player should generally hit, as the flexible value of the Ace provides a safety net.


It’s worth noting that this basic strategy is the culmination of millions of simulated hands and offers the player the best odds over the long haul. However, every game session is unique, and a player’s instincts also play a part in this dance of decisions.

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When to Hit in Blackjack: Advanced Strategies

For the player who finds solace in the velvet green of the virtual table and seeks to elevate his game, diving into advanced strategies can be both rewarding and intellectually satisfying:

Card Counting
This is where mathematics meets intuition. By keeping track of the ratio of high to low-value cards remaining in the deck, a player can adjust their bets and actions to exploit situations where they have a statistical advantage.

Composition-Dependent Strategies
This involves adjusting your play based on the exact composition of the cards in your hand versus a simple total value. For instance, a total of 16 could be made up of a 10 and a 6 or a 4, 5, and 7. Depending on what cards have been dealt earlier, one might opt to hit or stand on one composition but not the other.

Shuffle Tracking
This advanced technique involves tracking groups of cards during the shuffle to gain an advantage in the subsequent rounds.

These advanced techniques demand dedication, practice, and a keen analytical mind. But for those willing to invest the effort, the potential rewards, both in winnings and the sheer joy of mastering a complex skill, are immeasurable.

Common Mistakes Players Make When Deciding to Hit

The allure of Blackjack often lies in its blend of luck and strategy. However, even the most seasoned players can sometimes fall prey to common pitfalls:

Playing on Intuition Alone
While trusting one’s gut can add to the excitement, solely relying on intuition can derail an otherwise sound strategy.

Ignoring the Dealer’s Upcard
Focusing only on one’s hand without considering the dealer’s upcard can result in suboptimal decisions. Remember, you’re playing against the dealer, not just chasing 21.

Fear of Busting
An overcautious approach, especially when holding a hand total between 12-16, can lead to missed opportunities. Sometimes, taking the risk is necessary.

Mimicking the Dealer
Some players decide to always stand on 17 and hit on 16 or lower, just as most dealers are required to do. However, this neglects the player’s unique advantage of flexibility.

Read more about other players’ experiences with blackjack games, by reading our online casino reviews.

Importance of Consistency and Discipline

Blackjack is as much a test of character as it is of skill. Two qualities stand out in every seasoned player’s repertoire:

Steadfastness to Strategy
While it’s tempting to deviate from the game plan after a streak of bad luck, it’s imperative to trust the strategy over the long run.

Emotional Regulation
Big wins can be exhilarating, and losses can be disheartening. Yet, maintaining emotional equanimity ensures clear-headed decisions at every turn.

Remember, in the elegant game of Blackjack, consistent strategy and emotional composure often prevail over impulsive decision-making.

When to Hit in Blackjack: Practical Tips and Tricks

Bankroll Management
Allocate a specific amount for each session and stick to it. This not only prolongs the gaming experience but also instills discipline.

Identify Favorable Tables
Look for tables with rules like the dealer standing on soft 17, as these can offer better odds to the player.

Avoid Insurance Bets
They might seem tempting, but in the long run, insurance bets often don’t work in the player’s favor.

Educate Yourself Continuously
The landscape of Blackjack strategy is vast and ever-evolving. Keeping oneself updated with the latest insights and tactics can provide an edge.

Adapting to Different Blackjack Variations

The world of Blackjack is diverse, with various iterations of the game offering subtle twists:

European Blackjack
Typically played with two decks, the dealer doesn’t check for Blackjack until all players have finished their hands, altering how one might approach certain situations.

Double Exposure Blackjack
With both dealer cards exposed, this variant offers a unique advantage to the player but often comes with tweaks like ties going to the dealer.

Blackjack Switch
Players are dealt two hands and can swap the top cards between them. This demands a fresh strategic approach and offers a refreshing change of pace.

Mastered the basics? Now, challenge yourself with One Hand One Deck Blackjack and put your skills to the ultimate test!


Navigating the thrilling world of Blackjack is a voyage of both chance and skill. At its core, it’s a dance between player and dealer, a test of strategy, intuition, and nerve. While the allure of the game is undeniable, success stems from a mix of informed decisions, adaptability, and unwavering discipline. As with many pursuits, the journey is as rewarding as the destination. Whether you’re a novice just stepping onto the plush casino floor or a seasoned player looking to refine your strategy, remember: the art of knowing when to hit in Blackjack is a skill cultivated over time, patience, and practice. So, shuffle up, deal, and may the cards be ever in your favor.

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When to Hit in Blackjack FAQs

How important is it to adhere strictly to the basic Blackjack strategy?

While the basic strategy provides the best odds over the long run, Blackjack remains a game of individual decisions. Players should understand the strategy deeply but also recognize moments where intuition or situational judgment might play a role.

Is card counting illegal in casinos?

Card counting, in itself, is not illegal. However, casinos reserve the right to refuse service or bar players they suspect of card counting. It's essential to be discreet if you choose to employ this strategy.

How do house rules affect my decision to hit or stand?

House rules, like whether the dealer hits or stands on a soft 17, can significantly influence a player's optimal strategy. Players should always familiarize themselves with house rules and adjust their play accordingly.

Are online Blackjack games as reliable as physical casino games?

Reputable online casinos use Random Number Generators (RNG) to ensure fair play. It's crucial to play on well-established and licensed platforms to ensure the game's integrity.

How can I practice and improve my Blackjack skills?

Many online platforms offer free Blackjack games, allowing players to practice without financial risk. Additionally, numerous books, courses, and simulators can help players understand the game's nuances and refine their strategy.